"Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go. The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh through the white and drifting sno-ow." -- Lydia Maria Child

By the way, the official title of that poem--it was poem before it was a song-- is "The New England Boy's Song About Thanksgiving Day." What a mouthful. Also, "grandmother" was originally "grandfather."

And now we return you to your regular programming.

The Possibility of Thanksgiving Snow in KY & IN

You may be headed to grandmother's house this Thanksgiving Day--and, more than likely, in an SUV and not a sleigh--and you may travel over a river and through the woods. But I doubt you'll have to deal with drifting snow. That doesn't mean, however, you won't have to deal with snow at all. But it will hardly rise to the levels of drifting possibilities.

Yes, friends, there is a possibility of snow on Thanksgiving Day. If nothing else it will be very cold--even colder than the end of last week. Here's what we're looking at from the National Weather Service's Indianapolis office, and it could go either way:

National Weather Service/Indianapolis
National Weather Service/Indianapolis

A Cold Black Friday in KY & IN

It also appears as if the winter-like cold air will factor into our lives whether it snows or not. And if you're planning on hitting the bricks before sunrise on Black Friday (as many do), grab your gloves, your muffler, and a hat, and happy bargain-hunting. This updated 7-day outlook from Eyewitness News/WEHT-WTVW for western Kentucky and southern Indiana certainly backs that up:


The first official day of winter is December 21st, but it will certainly feel like it's ahead of schedule by the end of this week.

IN PHOTOS: 100 Years of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Stacker curated a selection of photographs from the past century of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to help illustrate the history of the iconic event.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

7 Most Forgotten Thanksgiving Shopping List Items According to a Former Grocery Store Worker

I spent several years working at a small town grocery store on Thanksgiving Day. Here is what people most often ran in to get at the last minute before their big meal.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

13 Greatest Thanksgiving TV Episodes Ever

Our favorite characters from our favorite TV shows come together to carve up the turkey. Hijinks ensue.

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