If you're not a fan of bugs, this spring is going to get very uncomfortable for you in Illinois because the cicadas are coming back.

Memory Of Massive Cicada Invasion In Illinois

I don't have a lot of experience with cicadas. I do remember when I was really little they were in Illinois. The critters were everywhere. Those bugs scared the heck out of me. Plus, they are so darn loud.

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Cicadas Invading Illinois This Spring

I understand we're just starting to experience real winter weather but it's always good to look ahead. Especially, when you're thinking about warmer and nicer spring weather. I really just wanted to give you a heads-up about something that is happening in May. The cicadas are coming back so make plans for thousands of the bugs invading your outdoor activities. Don't worry, they don't stay long. Only about four weeks.

According to nbcchicago.com,

Most of the state of Illinois will experience periodical cicada emergence in 2024.


The Northern Illinois Brood itself is huge, with a reputation for the "largest emergency of cicadas anywhere.

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What To Know About Cicadas In Illinois

  • Emergence in May and June with large numbers
  • Here for four weeks with a short lifespan
  • Scientific name: periodical cicada brood, known as Brood XIII
  • Harmless to humans with no biting or stinging
  • Noise decibels can reach lawn mower or passing jet levels
  • Eggs are harmful to trees
  • These bugs are here to mate with the next generation in 2038
  • The bodies get very smelly when they die

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