Watch Halestorm’s Lzzy Hale + Chris Daughtry Sing Alice in Chains’ ‘Man in the Box’ Live
Earlier this week, Halestorm's Lzzy Hale and Joe Hottinger and Chris Daughtry joined an Alice in Chains tribute band onstage in Nashville, Tenn. for a couple of covers of the Seattle rockers, including "Man in the Box" and "Rain When I Die."
Nashville venue The Basement East has held a series of "Grunge Nights" over the last few years, and on Jan. 10, the event featured a band called Into the Flood. Hale and Daughtry, who just recently collaborated on a studio cover of Journey's "Separate Ways," sang Alice's massive Facelift hit "Man in the Box" together. Hale and Hottinger tackled another AIC song during the night as well, "Rain When I Die," from their acclaimed 1992 record Dirt.
See videos of both performances below.
"Funny thing is the dress I wore is something I actually DID wear in the nineties as a teen in middle school… but I digress," Hale wrote in an Instagram post commemorating the evening.
"This was truly a gathering of some of the best musicians in Nashville, all having fun paying homage to the rock idols we grew up listening to. We had far too much fun! Love my Nash crew! And also thank you to all the die hard freaks and fam that came out to party with us! We ended up at Lakeside Bar… and I got to meet and embrace so many of you!! Thank you for all of your stories, dirty secrets and beers shared!"