The Time Producer Tommy Ruined His Family Christmas
Hi Idiots.
This time of year is about the time you can spend with the people you love that you may not see very often. I have a pretty large extended family, so it's always a treat when we would all get together for the holidays. However, there was one year where things didn't quite go as planned, and it was completely my fault.
So join me as I recount my tale of woe about how I sobbed in front of Santa Claus and nearly went to the hospital.
One year back in maybe 2008ish, my family was at Uncle Dick's house for Christmas on my dad's side. The adults were upstairs while the kids were hanging out downstairs, naturally. Us kids were playing a game on the PS2 called "Eyetoy" which utilized a camera and reacted to body movement. It was very ahead of its time in terms of gaming tech.
While we were all taking turns playing this game, we also started playing another one...on the treadmill. In between rounds we were taking turns running on the treadmill, each time getting a little faster. Now, this was the first time kid me had ever encountered a treadmill. Combine inexperience, a distraction from a game, and me being on something I had no business being on and you'll get one busted kid aka me.
I forgot to let go of the acceleration button, tripped, and got pinned between the wall and the treadmill belt. Unfortunately, the treadmill didn't stop when I did and my face became the only thing making contact with the belt and my face got super burned, major bloody nose, the whole nine yards.
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To make matters worse, shortly after I scared everyone in the entire house with my fresh wounds, a Santa Claus impersonator walked into the house while my face was getting tended to and there is a photo of me out there of me sobbing in a family photo with Saint Nick himself. I tried tracking it down for this post but couldn't. So, which leads me to my question for you:
How did you ruin Christmas? Let us know.
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