It Takes a Village No-Kill Rescue Needs a New Van and You Can Help
It Takes a Village No-Kill Rescue is in need of a new vehicle and they are asking for the public's help.
It Takes a Village in a no-kill rescue in Evansville and they need a little help from their friends. They are raising money through a crowd-sourcing website to purchase a new van for the rescue to use to transport the animals in their care. Obviously, being able to transport the animals and volunteers safely is important and they take an average of 10-20 dogs to the vet each and every week. They also transport dogs to and from adoption events. Right now the rescue uses a van that is 13 years old and to say it is in poor shape mechanically would be an understatement. If you'd like to help It Takes a Village reach their $15,000 goal to purchase a new van for the rescue, you can make a donation by visiting