This is such a great idea! I hope to see more counties follow suit! 


hands of owner petting a dog

As you know the 4th of July is a stressful day for animals. If you have pets, chances are you've seen how stressed fireworks can make them.  But what about the pets in the shelters?  One sheriff's office came up with a great way to comfort the animals.

Clinton County Sheriff's office is located in Frankfort Indiana, and on the 4th of July they had 11 inmates volunteer to help comfort animals at their local humane society. They not only helped comfort the scared animals, they also offered other assistance to the humane society, like doing laundry for them.

The Clinton County Sheriff's Office partnered with the Humane Society this evening to provide assistance with the facility and animals for the duration of the fireworks.

In total, 11 inmates comforted animals scared by the noise and offered other assistance, such as laundry, for the shelter. We praise the inmates who volunteered and special thanks to Corrections Officer Fidler for supervising the detail! (click here to see full post with photos)

A good friend of mine is from Frankfort Indiana, and the other day Katie sent me this post from the Clinton County Sheriff's Office, and said "I am so proud of my hometown." I thought it was such a good idea I had to share it!

I think this is a win/win! I'd love to see other areas follow Clinton County Sheriff's example.



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