Indiana Chainsaw Garden is an Eerie Roadside View
Imagine driving down the highway and looking over to see dozens of chainsaws sticking out of the ground. Well driving down Highway 66 in Indiana, that's exactly a sight you'll see!
Indiana Roadside Marvel
I love roadside attractions of all sizes. Big or small, there's always something interesting about roadside attractions. This is a smaller roadside attraction, but it absolutely will make you stop to do a double-take.
Chainsaw Garden
Located off Highway 66 in Hardinsburg, Indiana is the Chainsaw Garden. At first glance, it almost looks like something you'd see out of a horror movie. Good news, this isn't Texas so there's no chainsaw massacre to worry about, it's just a plot of land that happens to uniquely display dozens of chainsaws. According to there are actually 66 chainsaws to correspond with the fact the chainsaws sit off of highway 66.
The Chainsaw Garden features 66 chainsaws -- corresponding with the number of the highway that it's on, State Road 66 -- stuck in the ground in crop-like rows.
Chainsaws are visible from the road but located on private property.
The Chainsaw Garden is visible from the road, but if you want to check it out for yourself, be sure to check with the property owner first before going onto their property. Word on the internet is the owner is pretty hospitable and welcoming to those who ask to get a closer view of the Chainsaw Garden. However, do NOT go onto this person's property without asking. The good news is, that the Chainsaw Garden is visible from the road, so you can see it from the road without having to go onto the owner's property. If you want to see it for yourself, has the directions step by step on their page.