Illinois Boy Says His Friend’s Ghost Was Fishing With Him On Pier
When we lose someone that is close to us, we wish that we could have spent more time with them. It's like we think that just one more day would make it easier to let them go. But, deep down we know that even ten more days wouldn't make it any easier.

I find, that since my mom died, I look for her everywhere. In the yard, the clouds, the shadows, the breeze, and my dreams. I just want to feel her, hug her, smell her perfume and talk to her. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have wished she could tell me everything was going to be ok. She was a nurse and the person that the whole family turned to for advice, care, and support.
After I returned hie after her funeral, I heard a bird chirping loudly in the trees and I felt her. A few days later, I was lying in bed and As I rolled over on my side, there she was lying beside me. She didn't say anything to me, or touch me, she just looked at me, with her head on the pillow, and smiled at me.
As I looked at her beautiful face and gentle eyes, I felt an incredible sense of peace. I didn't want the moment to end. Even if it was a dream, I wished it had lasted a little longer. But, I never saw her or had the dream again. When I came across this story about a friendly, ghostly shadow, I could totally relate.
The boy in the above photo, on the pier, is named Michael. His dad shared this very special photo and amazing story with me, last year, so I could share it with you. I thought I would write about it again to show you that not all ghosts are scary.
Here is how his Michaels dad describes what happened on the pier.
This (pic) is zoomed in.. this happened about a year ago. I took my son fishing in Michigan at my uncle's place.. I was taking pictures in admiration of my 5-year-old son’s dedication to fishing as we were about to head back home to Chicago.. I posted this pic on Facebook how proud I was of my son for his “never give up” attitude. My cousin pointed out the illumination around him.
No doubt it was the sun setting and the timing.. but there’s a little more. My son's best friend Jaxson has just passed away two weeks prior to this, and I showed him this picture and he said “oh yea dad, that’s just Jaxson, he was there fishing with me”... and to anybody who says photoshop, save it. I’m lucky enough I know how to text... I just want to know your thoughts. I don’t feel this is a haunting but more so a guardian angel type thing. His 8-year-old friend was the neighborhood protector against all the bullies before he passed away.
Just like this dad, you know you've heard your young child say some very strange things. When my granddaughter was around three years old, she told us she had two dads. Her other dad would visit her and keep her safe. She had no other dad or any other males around her other than her Papa. But, she described his other dad in great detail, and from what she described, he was like no one she knew at the time. And, get this, she said he was her dad BEFORE. Wow, I got chills just typing that.
She's drive now and doen;t remember him at all. It's crazy to think about, another dada from her past. But, whatever it was, her imagination, a past life, just a guardian angel, it still blows my mind and yet fills me with peace. Weird. LOL. Maybe I WILL see mom again, when I need her, maybe she will be there to keep me safe.
More ghost stories and sightings await.