My job and my personal life are really rewarding, but at times they both can be incredibly stressful, too.

As a woman, that means that my body produces and then stores the stress hormone, cortisol, in my fat cells, particularly in my mid-section. I've actually been struggling recently with my feelings about what I see when I look in the mirror. Ladies, you likely know exactly what I'm talking about. Fellas, you may be able to relate but if you can't, I bet the ladies in your life can, so pay attention - the ladies in your life just might thank you later.

Before Head to Toe
Kat Mykals, TSM

My belly isn't as flat as it use to be. My thighs are thicker than they've ever been and while I know that I should eat better and I know that I should be using the gym membership that I've been paying for, sometimes when I look in the mirror, I think, "What's the point?" This thought is typically followed by me heading to the kitchen to find something sweet to eat.

If you don't know, sugar triggers the same feel good, reward receptors in the brain as cocaine. It's true. Google it. When I'm not feeling really great about myself, sometimes I reach for those things that make me feel less stressed or "better," even though I never really feel better after I eat them. I am also just as guilty of the next person as grabbing one of those free donuts in the company kitchen when they show up unannounced. This has left me dissatisfied with my appearance and not knowing where to start to take back control of my body.

Measuring Head to Toe
Kat Mykals, TSM

Then, I met Apryl. She is the new owner of Head to Toe Health and Wellness in Newburgh. She and her staff are absolutely amazing, and they genuinely care about the health and wellness of their clients.

I walked into Head to Toe and spoke with Apryl about how I had been feeling about my appearance and my overall health. "I'm stressed... I don't like what I see in the mirror... I want to do better..." I watched as they both nodded in understanding, and then Apryl said she thought they could help. By utilizing their body wrapping techniques, along with their special mineral-based solutions, she told me they'd able to give me the jump start that I needed.

Getting Wrapped Head to Toe
Kat Mykals, TSM

I'm going to start by telling you that the products and services they offer at Head to Toe didn't miraculously turn me into a Victoria Secret supermodel. But what it has done is made enough of a difference in my overall physical appearance that I can see that light at the end of the tunnel. Instead of looking in the mirror and thinking, "what's the point?" I can see small progressive changes that make me think, "if I take some small steps, I can make this a permanent reality."

The body wraps at Head to Toe Health and Wellness promise 10-30 inches lost in under an hour. I admit, I was skeptical but I was carefully measured both before and after my first wrap and I was amazed to see a 26-inch difference in my measurements!

Unlike a lot of wraps and other products that you read about that are on the market today, the body wraps at Head to Toe are not dehydrating. They actually compress the fat cells in your body and can help reduce toxins and rogue hormones (I'm looking at you, cortisol) that those fat cells are storing.

All Wrapped Up Head to Toe
Kat Mykals, TSM

Did I mention that I lost 26 inches with my very first body wrap? I could see an immediate and definitive difference in the way that my sides cut in, giving me my hourglass shape back. My stomach, while not supermodel flat, was definitely a little slimmer. My thighs lost several inches and added bonus, my backside was perkier too. The results themselves, while not permanent, can last a couple of months and have been just what I needed to start loving my body again.

Yesterday I took a yoga class. I haven't done yoga in over 4 years and it felt amazing! I am cutting back on high sugar foods and drinks again.

After Head to Toe
Kat Mykals, TSM

Body wraps aren't just for the ladies either! For my second wrap, I brought my husband with me. Shawn had his mid-section wrapped and was blown away by the difference it made for him as well. It has been just the motivation that we both needed. We're planning a date tomorrow night, and it includes going to the gym together.

Head to Toe has really delivered on the 'Health and Wellness' part of their name. I am looking and feeling better than I have in a long time and I can't wait to go back for my next body wrap! To learn more about Head to Toe Health & Wellness in Newburgh, stop in and see them at 300 West Jennings or visit online at


Before-During-After Head to Toe
Kat Mykals, TSM

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