Chemo Buddies in Evansville are looking for donations of unopened chocolate candy.

Now is the time to hit up the post Halloween candy sales! Reese pumpkins and Kit Kats half off?  Count. Me. In.  However for many of us, our homes are overflowing with extra candy, due to purchasing too much for the amount of trick or treaters we had, or maybe you just can't stay away from a good deal on candy and have stocked up.  If you're currently overflowing in the candy department, that candy can help one  local non-profit, Chemo Buddies.

If you haven't heard of Chemo Buddies, they're a great local non-profit that serve cancer patients. Their motto is no one should ever have to go through chemo alone.  They are a group of dedicated volunteers who serve cancer patients while in the treatment room receiving chemo.

Chemo Buddies is a grassroots non profit organization that provides a group of dedicated volunteers who serve cancer patients while they are in the treatment room receiving chemotherapy. Chemo is time consuming — it can take up to 8 hours — and this leaves many patients without their normal support person or family. The Chemo Buddies volunteers serve as companions for patients, and help with snacks, books, games, blankets and the kind of hospitality you would hope to receive if you were visiting someone's home. Our goal is to make chemo a more comfortable and life giving experience physically, mentally and spiritually. We are here because we believe, "No one should ever have to go through chemo alone."

If you'd like to help out and make a donation to Chemo Buddies, they're currently accepting unopened chocolate donations.  If you can help out, you can make a completely contactless delivery, and drop it off in their donation box. You can make the donation at 3700 Bellmeade, in the back  of the building, door #15.  Next to the door you'll see a big bin, that bin is for donation drop offs.

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