Hadi Shriners Give Free Circus Tickets to Active Duty Military Families
The circus is coming back to town this Thanksgiving weekend with eight big shows at the Ford Center in downtown Evansville. And once again this year the Hadi Shriners are giving away FREE tickets to military members and their families.
These free tickets are available for any active-duty members of the military, from all branches, and their families. The offer is for folks who are currently deployed or recently returned from overseas duty within the last six months.
If you or your family fit this criteria, you can come claim your tickets this Thursday, November 10th from 4p-7p at the Hadi Shrine Temple at the corner of Walnut and Riverside. It'll be hard to miss since several of our radio stations will be there broadcasting live. Please make sure you have an appropriate family military I.D.
Find out more about the 83rd annual Hadi Shrine Circus, including ticket prices and all performance times HERE.