Fall Festival Amateur Hour Auditions August 15th and 16th
Are you a singer, dancer, magician or have some other incredible talent? This is your opportunity to be center stage during the annual West Side Nut Club Fall Festival. Auditions are being help on August 15th and 16th at the Mater Dei High School and will consist of four categories: Junior Division (Pre-School thru Fifth Grade); Middle School Division (Sixth Grade thru Eighth Grade); Senior Division (Ninth Grade thru Twelfth Grade); College Division (Thru Age 24 - Vocal Acts Only). If you plan to audition, you should wear the full costume that you would wear for your actual performance.
To learn more visit NutClubFallFestical.com, or call Amateur Hour Chairman Tyler Frounfelter at 812-760-6725 or Amateur Hour Co-Chairman Shawn Heneisen at 812 457-1650. You can also e-mail at amateurhour@nutclub.org for more information.