Evansville Shelter May Have to Stop Intaking Animals in Dire Need of Fosters
Shelters are full to the brim, and It Takes a Village is in desperate need of help.

Shelters Need Help
According to the ASPCA, approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter shelters every year. Of those 6.3 million animals roughly 3.2 million are cats, and 3.1 million are dogs. These are not small numbers, and even those these are national statistics, unfortunately, many local shelters are feeling the heat as well from pet overpopulation.
It Takes a Village No-Kill Rescue
It Takes a Village is a no-kill rescue located in Evansville and Spencer county. They work hard to help as many homeless animals as possible find their forever homes. Unfortunately, they are currently experiencing an influx of animals incoming and they are at maximum capacity. It Takes a Village took to Facebook to announce that they may have to stop intaking animals unless they can get volunteers to foster animals.
We are in dire need of fosters!! We are dangerously close to CLOSING OUR INTAKE if we do not find foster homes!! These are just a few animals who need foster homes!! If you can foster, please come to our Evansville Rescue Center, 1417 N. Stockwell, today between 12-5. Thank you!!
How You Can Help It Takes a Village
There are a few ways you can help It Takes a Village during this time. The first way is by fostering. Fostering an animal means you take the animal home and keep it safe, give it plenty of love, and basically a place to crash until that animal finds its forever home. Fostering is free to do except the cost of food. You pay for the dog food, ITV will take care of the animal's vetting and big expenses. If you are in a place to add a furry family member to your home, you can also consider adopting an animal.
Not in a place to foster or adopt? You can also help out monitarily by making a donation to It Takes a Village here. Be sure to follow It Takes a Village on Facebook for more opportunities to volunteer to help them out.
Animal Shelters and Rescues In and Around Evansville Indiana
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