Evansville Otters Offering Free Admission During E is for Everyone Night August 18th
E is for Everyone, the local organization behind the city's newest campaign designed to show Evansville is open to all people regardless of background, is inviting residents to join them at the Evansville Otter's home game Friday, August 18th for FREE!
E is for Everyone Night at Bosse Field will not only involve a game between the Otters and the River City Rascals, but pre-game entertainment as well beginning at 5:00 p.m. featuring Inflatable Bounce Houses, members of the Evansville Police and Fire Departments, as well as face painting, and a performance from The Boom Squad.
Organizers are also encouraging those who attend to make a point to "connect with someone or something new...and celebrate together what makes our region great."
Game time is set for 6:35 p.m. with fireworks scheduled for the conclusion of the night.
For more info, visit the E is for Everyone website.