The Reopen Evansville Task Force has been hard at work reopening our city, we're currently in stage 3 of reopening, so what does that mean for Evansville?According to (a great website to follow for updates on the city's reopening status) we're in stage 3:

  • Retail stores and malls may move to 75% of capacity while maintaining social distancing

  • Mall common areas, such as food courts and sitting areas, are limited to 50% capacity

  • Gyms, fitness centers, yoga studios, martial arts studios, and like facilities may open with restrictions. Class sizes and equipment must be spaced to accommodate social distancing. Limited class sizes. Equipment must be cleaned after each use, and employees are required to wear face coverings. No contact activities are permitted.

  • Community tennis and basketball courts, soccer and baseball fields, YMCA programs, and similar facilities may open with social gathering and social distancing guidelines in place

  • Campgrounds may open with social distancing limitations and sanitation precautions.

  • Community recreational youth and adult sports may resume practices and conditioning, adhering to social gathering and social distancing guidelines. Contact sports, such as football, basketball, and wrestling, where players typically come into contact with other players, are not permitted. Conditioning and non-contact drills may take place.

  • Day care facilities and day care facilities at schools are encouraged to open

Mayor Lloyd Winnecke shared a video to his Facebook page where several local businesses came together to share the message of reopening with the community.  From retail stores like Thyme in the Kitchen, and River City Coffee and Goods, to restaurants like Acropolis, and even Mesker Park Zoo can be seen in the video.  Check out the reopening video below. It definitely feels like we can see the light at the end of this tunnel.

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