Normally it's pretty quiet at Evansville Regional Airport, so when you drive by you don't see anything out of the ordinary besides planes and cars.  Today (September 23rd) you may see something a little different that may seem startling.  If you were to drive past any airport and see smoke, and emergency response vehicles, you may be wondering what the heck is going on?  Is everyone okay?  Well if you see that today, no worries it's all a part of a drill to train first responders on the chance there ever is an emergency at Evansville Regional Airport.

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Here's what Evansville Regional Airport says about the disaster drill:

THIS IS ONLY A #DRILL If you are flying EVV today or passing by on the highway and see emergency responders and law enforcement agencies near the airport along with smoke this afternoon, please rest assured that it is only a drill. It’s all part of an exercise that is required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
EVV and all other commercial airports perform the triennial drill every three years to test the emergency management system in a controlled, stress environment with actual deployment of resources to demonstrate communication, coordination and response capabilities.

If you're out and about today and happen to see some flashing lights at Evansville Regional Airport, you can rest assured that it's just a drill. It should also be comforting to know our local first responders and airport are working hard to continue to keep EVV as safe as possible!


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