Epic Horror & Sci-fi Movie Mashup Perfectly Depicts Covid-19 Pandemic
I stumbled across the most epic video compilation mashup that I have ever seen and of course, that meant I had to share it with you. The video, appropriately titled "EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW TO SURVIVE COVID-19 I LEARNED BY WATCHING SCIFI AND HORROR MOVIES," was created by Evan Gorski & Michael Dougherty and is a true work of editing brilliance. It captures scenes and lines from some of the best horror and sci-fi movies and mashes them up into an incredibly, if not frighteningly accurate depiction of the way the Covdi-19 pandemic has played out so far.
Here are just a few of the movies included in the mashup:
- Jaws
- Alien
- The Shining
- I AM Legend
- Shawn of the Dead
- The Mist
- 28 Days Later
- They Live
You can watch it now (Warning: Some strong language)