Best Binge-Worthy Series on Netflix: The Flash
While I was off for vacation, I may have binge watched a lot of Netflix. I also may now be an expert on The Flash.
I first learned of Barry Allen while sitting in the theater watching DC's Justice League. How I had never heard of Barry Allen before I do not know but it changed my life! I left the theater that day with something I had never had before in my life - a favorite superhero! I immediately knew that I had to check out the CW's series centered around Barry's life as The Flash. While the character in the movie and the character on the show have a lot of differences there was just enough similarity to hook me and reel me in.
I have officially binge-watched all 3 seasons of The Flash that are currently on Netflix. I have fallen in love with Barry, Iris, Joe, Cisco, Caitlin, and Wells. I quickly became vested in the lives of all the characters in Central City and found myself cheering on #TeamFlash. If you are looking for something to invest some time into, The Flash is where it's at! Each episode brings something new and fresh with just the right amount of science and nerd mixed with action and movie quality special effects. Season 4 is currently on the CW as well and you can bet that I'll be watching it soon too!
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