Drew Weisholtz is an award-winning writer who has had his work published on several websites, including GuySpeed, StarCrush.com and theFW.com. Previously, he has written and served as a producer for ABC News Radio and also spent time as a stand-up comedian. He can be found rooting for his beloved Yankees and Giants and begrudgingly holds out hope his Rutgers Scarlet Knights will one day return to the NCAA Tournament. When that's not consuming him, he passes time quoting "Saved By the Bell" and making fun of his in-laws. You can follow him on Twitter.
Drew Weisholtz
Will You Watch Preseason Football Games? [POLL]
Are you ready for some preseason football?
What’s 2018’s Biggest Party School in America? The Answer Is (Big) Easy.
Not that it needs it, but this college has another reason to celebrate.
Drunk Dude Is Convinced a Fence Is Really an ATM
This guy needs to be cut off.
Woman Granted Divorce Because Husband Ignored Her Texts
The writing was on the wall. Or, at least, it was on the screen.
Virgins Post Creepy Craigslist Ad Seeking Photographer to Capture Wedding Night Consummation
From the files of "Ewww, gross" comes this very odd request.
Random Dude Has the Most Perfect Play-By-Play Voice Imaginable
Scully. Costas. Cosell. This guy.
Man Trying to Destroy Bees’ Nest With Fireworks Burns Down Garage
We all know the drill by now, right? In the days after July 4, stories of regular people injuring themselves setting off fireworks are as commonplace as waving American flags at your town's Independence Day celebration.
Dingbat Tries to Use Monopoly ‘Get Out of Jail’ Card in Real Life
There have been changes in Monopoly, but this isn't one of them.
World’s Ugliest Dog 2017 Is (Not) a Real Looker
Beauty is win deep.
MMA Fighter Needs Only 4 Seconds to Knock Out Overmatched Opponent
In the time it takes you to read this, an MMA fighter started and finished a fight.
Armpit Tattoos Are a Hot New Trend We May (But Probably Don’t) Need
Tattoos are going to a place you may not expect to see them.
Man Who Robbed Bank to Avoid Wife Sentenced to Home Confinement
This punishment definitely fits the crime.