Rachel was a 103GBF Hometown Honey Of The Week a few months back, but she's returning to grace our website because of two great reasons. It's her Birthday week, and...well...I'll let her explain it in her words.

"Hey there, I'm Rachel!  I turned 18 yesterday!  I live in Evansville and I am a senior at North High School, where I am a 4 year member of the "Huskette's" color guard/rifle line/dance team. I am the reigning USA National Miss Indiana Teen and will leave Tuesday June 26 for Atlanta, GA. to compete June 27-July 1 for 4 national titles: USA National Teen, USA National Role Model, USA National Supermodel and USA National Talent queen. I have competed in pageants since I was 4 years old, and have won SEVERAL state, national and even a couple of International pageant titles over tha last 14 years. I am the president of "Stand Up To Hate And Bullying", an organization created to raise awareness to and hopefully, one day help put an end to bullying and hate. I am also very involved with Cure 4 Lupus, The American Cancer Society and Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect. I am also a pageant coach and mentor for little girls."

Busy girl! Good luck in the USA National Teen pageant in Atlanta! Bring that title home to Evansville. By the way, Rachel is now 18 so don't feel too guilty about enjoying her pics!


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